Home > Projects > Tharang-Joy of Hearing > Tharang#3- Gift of Hearing to Anika, Kalady

We rolled out Tharang to distribute hearing aids but when we got in touch with some schools for deaf they said they have kids who have some requirements with regard to their cochlear implants.A cochlear implant is a small,complex elcetronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profundly deaf or severely hard of hearing .

We came to know about 2 sisters who were sharing the charger and the batteries required and they were struggling with that .If both are not in the same physical location they cannot charge their batteries.And without the batteries they can hear nothing .

Pink Shield helped to purchase a battery for them which made life easy for them .Their mother will not have to run from one place to another for charging their batteries.

Thank you to everyone who supported Project Tharang .